Welcome to my website! In this website that I want to make my own little place of internet among the mass, I wanna share everything I find cool or aim to do
This is a passion project I wanted to start to develop some of my skills in web design and share some of my cool stuff :P (without being constrained within social media restrictions) Hope you find it as cool as I do! If you wanna show any feedback, you can check out the contact section or maybe a feedback module i'll add later idk. This is in development :3
Desktop is recommended for this website
Sir Fluffle Sandwich the 1st
I'm a ********* at ******** ****! Have (too)
many hobbies and more on the introverted side. I like programming lots, and therefore attempted this website
as a personal project :P I hope I'm able to make a really cool looking thing to have as my own little place of
internet, for whichever stray souls come
accross it. My main passion is Art and have big ambitions
for the future! Hope you like my website (thank you neocities
for letting me steal some of your space :3)
and feel free to send me feedback (contacts in the
"Socials" section) and to roam around the pages
of my website. Currently in development, much more to come!
Updated the Art page :3 Just a very rough
first version and I already put up one or two pieces
things there. I plan to make it a lot prettier and more
functional/organized soon so check it out then :)
First version of the front page fully functional!
All links are working, styling is mostly done and plan on adding more
to this page later on. Next up, filling up the other pages =w=